Know Your Hair Texture

Do You Know Your Hair Texture
Do You Know Your Hair Texture

Hair Texture

Hair texture is essentially the level of nature of hair. it tells us the state of various kinds of hair dependent on their thickness or coarseness. Much the same as our skin the hair additionally contrast in its dampness substance and flexibility. There are three distinctive kind of hair surface fine, medium and coarse. While hair type is commonly about the shape or structure hair strands. It let us know whether the hair are straight, wavy, wavy.

Strangely, the hair texture are ordered further into nine classes for us to more readily comprehend and know our hair.

Thin Textured Hair

Thin Hair Type
Thin Hair Type

Fine hair is delicate and thin with a characteristic sparkle, it is smooth like silk. The dampness content is high and makes them delicate. Fine hair gets effectively sleek and needs reinforcing item to make the meager strands solid.

Wavy Hair Quality

Wavy Hair quality
Wavy Hair quality

Medium hairtexture is somewhat wavy hair with a characteristic volume and feels cottony delicate to the touch. it has obvious and noticeable S-molded twists, and can be marginally bunched up. This sort of hair can be a mix of wavy or wavy hair and twists more in moist climate.

S-shaped Pattern Coarse hair Type

S-Shaped Hair In Wavy Pattern
S-Shaped Hair In Wavy Pattern

Coarse hair texture is a wavy hair with a solid S-molded example. the strands are truly solid and can be styled effectively into any example. one of its disadvantages is that it will in general be dry thus should be saturated utilizing profound conditioners. This hair type is inclined to breakage and requires a ton of exertion to deal with the winding twists.

Straight Hair Texture

Image Of A Straight Hair Texture
Image Of A Straight Hair Texture

Straight hair accompanies least volume and a smooth surface. They get rapidly slick like fine hair and requires steady washing followed by deep conditioning treatment to avoid hair from shedding.

Published by cameronalba

all about the love of hair!!!

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